Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sleep Sensei, Sleep.

I just have to say this. I think all Japanese have some element of narcolepsy in their genes. EVERYBODY sleeps everywhere, anywhere, anytime. Young or old. They all take naps. And yes, I took this photo myself--on a train in Tokyo.

When I first came to Okinawa I thought it was funny how the construction workers on base would stop work in the afternoon to have lunch and sleep. They would sleep in the back of their vans, in the grass, and even bring their own cot to sleep on. It wasn't long that I realized this was the norm. I would often find people in public sleeping on a bench mid afternoon, only to realize they were most likely not a hobo. It's not uncommon to find a car parked along side the road (or in the road) with the driver asleep in the driver seat. It's like they think, "hmm, I'm tired. I should pull over and take a nap and then drive the remaining 10 minutes home."

Our trip to Tokyo in November only proved it more. Everywhere you looked someone would be asleep. People on the trains would go to sleep and set their alarms to wake them up for their stop. And it wasn't only the fact they fell asleep it was how. Totally uncomfortable positions, neck breaking, mouth open, cell phone open and in hand...anything. It was humorous and so strange. When we visited Tokyo Disney there was a guy just randomly taking a nap on a bench in Toon Town. It worked out nice for us because we got good seats when he woke up for a parade.

So many people I know have gotten pictures of this. In fact, one of our friends T got a picture of a guy who fell asleep IN his bowl of food!!! No joke. Total faceplant into his food, and one of his hands was in a bowl too. It was like he fell asleep mid-bite. T asked one of the ladies who worked at the restaurant--I think at a Wendy's--if he was okay and she said "He sleep." Hilarious.

I'm kind of jealous in a way. For one, I wish I could fall asleep easier. I have the hardest time falling asleep on planes or in cars. But more than anything I wished my son had some of their "skill". I see babies and kids here asleep in all kinds of places. On mom's shoulder out in public. In a stroller. In a carrier. On a dashboard of a moving vehicle. And sure, that is common for a 2 month old...but a 1 year old? Forget about it. My son cares so much about what is going on he would never fall asleep. Those kids sleep through anything.

I figured I would share this unique attribute of the Japanese people, since I am sure most of you wouldn't know it unless you saw for yourself!