Sunday, January 31, 2010

Got the Itch.

Looks like I caught the travel bug again! I'm beginning to think I have a weak immune system when it comes to that darn bug, because it doesn't take long for me to want to go somewhere else new and exciting. We last went to Tokyo in November. That was a BLAST! Tokyo is an amazing city, so much to do!

Now that we only have 8 months or so left in this part of the world, I REALLY want to go somewhere cool. We have been to Australia & New Zealand, a little bit of Taiwan, then Tokyo, while Cameron--thanks to the military--has also been to Korea, Thailand, and Afghanistan. I can't just leave it at that! No, that list is far too short in my opinion. As much as I would die to go back to New Zealand, it's just so darned expensive to fly that far.

So where to go, where to go? AHA!

Singapore! Bali! Kuala Lumpur! Bangkok?

We are definitely going to go to Singapore and then stay in Bali for 6 days or so! Singapore is close and clean--I mean, you have to be if you outlaw chewing gum! I hear they have a great zoo too. And I love zoos! Especially since Isaac is a walker now, by then he will be year old and I think he will really enjoy it. And who on earth wouldn't love to go to Bali? Seriously, from where we are it is not that far away and much cheaper than it would be to get to from the states. I doubt that we will ever be in the part of the world again, at least for a decade or more--unless of course the military has other plans.

For the price of one ticket to New Zealand our entire family can fly to Singapore and Bali! My good friend A suggested that we go to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia while we are in Singapore since it is so close. I found that we can take a train, about 6hrs, to K.L. from Singapore. The best part is it would be well under $100 for all of us to ride AND get a cabin with beds and A/C (if I can reserve them of course). Still. What a blast! I really think it would be cool to head up to Bangkok too, since the train that runs from Singapore to K.L. also goes up to Bangkok, in a 48 hr trip. I think we might be able to do it if I can find a good deal on one way tickets to Singapore and from Bangkok to Okinawa. That's the hardest part.

Best case scenario is we will fly out of Okinawa and fly to Bali via Singapore, stay for 6 days. From Bali head to Singapore, hang for a few more days. Take the train from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, explore for a day or two. From there, hopefully, either fly or take the train to Bangkok and spend some time site seeing there. From there, fly back home to Okinawa. Like I said, that is all ideally speaking. Why might not be able to do Bangkok all together. I really want to try though! My jealous side does not want my husband to be the only one in our family who has been to Thailand! I'm sorry Honey, but you can't have all the fun!

I am SO excited! April is going to be awesome! Anyone want to come with?

All this talk about travel has revived my memories of our past travels in the last 3 years. Stay tuned for future posts where I relive those "glory days".

Monday, January 25, 2010

How to Drive In Japan

I have finally figured out how you are supposed to drive in Japan. I'm pretty sure they give all drivers a special check list along with some training that teaches them these important driving skills and techniques.

Rules for driving in Japan:

  1. Always look straight ahead. Never use your mirrors as they can distract from the now.

  2. Never turn your head to see if someone may be in your blindspot, this too distracts from the now.

  3. When in doubt, pull out. This means that if you cannot see whether or not the coast is clear, just go.

  4. Take Speed Limits seriously. It's best to drive at least 15-20km slower than the Speed Limit just in case.

  5. When a light turns GREEN, count to 10, take off your parking break and slowly, very slowly apply pressure to the gas pedal.

  6. When a light turns YELLOW, continue at normal pace.

  7. When a light turns RED, disregard and continue at normal pace through the intersection until at least 5 cars have gone through and/or the opposing light is already turning YELLOW. This will give them just enough time for the other traffic to begin acceleration.

  8. If you want to go straight through an intersection where the traffic signal has a RED light with a GREEN turn arrow, just keep going straight. The RED is merely a suggestion, especially since there is technically still a GREEN light up there. You still have the right away, those trying to turn do not.

  9. YIELD at all STOP signs.

  10. STOP at all YIELD signs.

  11. Turn signals are there to tell other drivers you are currently in the act of turning. They are not meant to warn or inform other drivers that you intend to turn soon.

  12. You can park anywhere along the road, even in the middle of a lane of a major street if you turn on your hazard lights. The best places to make use of this technique are just after major intersections, right before a shoulder, right before a parking lot, and right before a side street. It is unnecessary to try to get out of the way of traffic.

  13. The best time to pull out into traffic is when oncoming traffic is within 10 ft of your position. This assures that they will see you pulling out and force them to stop to let you in. At this point you should either stop halfway in the lane or continue pulling out into traffic and accelerate slowly. This is the best way to show them gratitude for letting you in.

  14. The safest place for young infants is in grandma's lap in the passenger seat. If you chose to use a carseat, the best place for this is in the passenger seat as well, in front of an airbag.

  15. Young children are happiest when standing in the middle of the car, hanging out the window, doing handstands in the backseat, laying partially on the dashboard (this is a great place for them to nap during long drives), and especially on your lap while driving (that way they can learn these same great driving skills at a young age).

  16. While children are indestructable, you must wear your seatbelt at all times or receive a ticket.

  17. If you happen to be in a vehicle accident, who is at fault will be calculated reasonably between the participants. If you happen to get into an accident with an American, don't worry, they are at least 80% at fault--yes, even if it is really your fault.

  18. Talking on a cellphone while driving is illegal. However, texting or watching television on your phone or dashboard TV is perfectly acceptable.

  19. Sometimes it is important to ignore any cars on the road and drive as if they are not there.

  20. Lastly, if you chose to cut someone off merely follow up with a quick wave and bow of your head and they will forgive you.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

They'll Tear You to Pieces

Well, here goes my first "conversation." I decided to start this blog for one reason: to release my internal dialogues. It's sometimes hard being a SAHM, essentially alone on an Island out in the Asia-Pacific realm. I have friends sure...but do my friends want to sit around and listen to me talk all the time? No. As for my friends at home, are they even awake at this hour? No. This time difference makes connecting with people difficult.

I type to you tonight because I am frustrated. I am frustrated by something that shouldn't really matter. It's come to my attention that being a devout Christian, one who is firm in her convictions, makes me become someone who "sits high on her horse looking down and belittling others." Why? Because I believe in something other than you do? I don't understand why it is so hard to accept that I may have true faith in Christ and the Bible and that true faith means that I don't just 'tolerate' other religions or theories as an acceptable alternative.

I love people. I care for them. If I had it my way everyone would know the grace of God, His love and His salvation. --Man, how frustrating and heart breaking must it be for God! I do not look down on others for believing differently. I don't think I am better than them. I don't think I am smarter. I feel that I am blessed for knowing the Lord and I only wish to share it with those who might one day come to know Him. Do I shove it down their throat? No. I don't go parading around like some pious saint. I am a sinner, I am human.

Why is that certain people find it so appawling that I don't believe that we some how predetermine our fate based on what we believe...i.e. someone is Buddhist and they reach enlightenment and subsequently nirvana some day while another is atheist and dies and becomes a tree? Why is it such an offense for me to believe that there is only one truth? As a true person of Faith in Jesus I believe in what He said. He is "the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father" but by him. (John 14:6). I truly believe that. I wouldn't be a real Christian if I didn't. The way I see it, yes everyone is perfectly entitled to make their own choice of what they believe or what they do not but at the end only one truth will prevail. This opinion or belief system of mine does not mean that I want to persecute those who do not agree. It does not mean that I point and laugh at them or call them names. I do not think they are loved any less by God. We are equal in His eyes. Do I make friends with non-believers? Yes. Do i judge them for their beliefs? No, but I do pray for them.

I feel like we as Christians have become weak in tolerating the world. We give way to the sins and misguided tendencies of cultures because hey, that's what we do in this day in age. We need to be strong, steadfast in our faith. We need to remember what is truth and what if farse. We need to stand up for what we believe in and stop trying to blend in the crowd to be accepted. We are not of this world...we are of God.

It's so hard to put into words what I feel right now. I'm just sad and frustrated. Sad that I can't help others see what I see. Frustrated that I am being accused of being a bad person because I have a firm belief in something. I don't want to take it to heart because I know it's not true. I know where my heart is and I know that I really just want to share the good news with those I know or don't know. It is their decision to believe it or not. It is not up to me.

God just gave me this verse:
"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces." Matt. 7:6

He's right. No need in wasting my energy debating about faith vs. science. vs. religion with those who refuse the Word. It is not my battlefield.

Goodnight dear keyboard, it's time for bed.